Hello here i am once again to help you. Today i wiil tell you some basic things to get selected in an interview , which you find nowhere.
i will be very point to point to you:
- Prepare your resume,read it carefully .
- Mention your project details very elaborately
- Maintain an eye contact with the interviewer
- Be practical about your thoughts.
- If you have gap in your studies , then prepare a good reason.
- Don't be descriptive, give point to point answers.
- If you don't feel satisfy ask for more time , believe me if they are interested in you they never say no.
- Wish them while entering and leaving the room.
- Read the company profile, and answer acc. to it
- Prepare for the questions like ,
- Describe yourself in a word?
- Your biggest achievement?
- Your failures?
- Why do you want to join this company?
- Where you see yourself after 5 years?
- How's your day?