Mumbai (PTI): Weddings are set to become bigger on the small screen, with the new reality show, ''Shaadi 3 Crore Ki''. The show will be aired by Imagine channel, starting February 28. The show will be hosted by Mona Singh and Ali Asgar.
The channel will divide the award of Rs 3 crore equally between the families of the bride and the groom. All the wedding rituals will be captured from start to end and aired. "I am thrilled about being a part of ''Shaadi 3 Crore Ki''.
I wish I could have this glamorous Rs 3-crore wedding. The moment I was told about the concept of the show, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it. It is something that the Indian audiences have not seen before," TV actress and host Mona Singh said.
"It is like a couple will win a lottery and that too of Rs 3 crore and the best part is that they get to spend it on the most important event of their lives - their wedding. The exciting part is to be part of the entire wedding journey from preparations to the wedding," TV actor Ali Asgar said.
The show will be aired from Monday to Thursday from 9 to 10 pm.
"We have not called for entries this time because we fear that there may be some couples who do not intend to marry and would come on the show for publicity or money. We have a research team who are trying to find couples whose wedding dates have been fixed," said Nikhil Madhok, Senior Director, Imagine (Marketing and Communications).
The channel will divide the award of Rs 3 crore equally between the families of the bride and the groom. All the wedding rituals will be captured from start to end and aired. "I am thrilled about being a part of ''Shaadi 3 Crore Ki''.
I wish I could have this glamorous Rs 3-crore wedding. The moment I was told about the concept of the show, I knew that I wanted to be a part of it. It is something that the Indian audiences have not seen before," TV actress and host Mona Singh said.
"It is like a couple will win a lottery and that too of Rs 3 crore and the best part is that they get to spend it on the most important event of their lives - their wedding. The exciting part is to be part of the entire wedding journey from preparations to the wedding," TV actor Ali Asgar said.
The show will be aired from Monday to Thursday from 9 to 10 pm.