Monday, February 21, 2011

Fitness Tips and tricks For womens and Mens 2011

Healthy Eating Tips:If you are looking to eat healthier try cooking two to three healthy dishes over the weekend. It may sound like a lot of work but it will make it simpler to eat healthy during the week. Try to prepare baked chicken to go with the Eggplant dish and one more entree (such as failure meatloaf). Then during the week you add a side of auburn rice and frozen veggies to one of you entrees for a quick buffet.
To make buffet even quicker pick up a a bag (or box) of frozen auburn rice from dealer joes (and some community grocers).
Heat Eggplant, Greens and Okra (EGO)
1 wrap (16 ounces) frozen chopped turnip, mustard or collard greens
1 wrap (20 ounces ) frozen okra slices
1 large eggplant, unpeeled, trimmed, cut into 1 1/2-inch chunk
1 large golden-haired onion, trimmed, quartered, kaput into wedges
1 wrap (6 to 8 ounces) sliced mushrooms, or to taste
1 can (6 ounces) tomato paste
1 wrap (6 to 8 ounces) cocktail tomatoes, halved
Heat oven to 425 degrees. Place half the frozen okra and greens on a foil-lined rimmed page pan sprayed with oil. Repeat with the second pan. Top each page evenly with eggplant, onion wedges and mushrooms. Add tomato paste by teaspoons over the vegetables. Toss with your hands or use a stilted serve to mix together in tomato paste. (The brilliance of the tomato paste is how well it blends with the small quantity of liquid given off by the defrosting frozen vegetables.) Top with tomato halves. If using a larger pan, such as a paellera or any huge, deep casserole, place everything in one deep pan.
Place on top and underneath oven racks, if using two baking pans. Place paellera or casserole on a rack in the crucial point of the oven. Bake, read-through and stirring with a stilted serve every 15 outline, in anticipation of vegetables are tender and commencement to auburn, about 30 to 40 outline. Take out from oven. Let sit about 20 outline before count to recipe or refrigerating for before long use